Breastfeeding by Design: The Prenatal Class 

Foundations for an Empowering and mindful breastfeeding experience

Imagine you’ve just brought baby home and you’re in your nursery for the first time. It’s just you and your baby, and it’s time to feed. You feel a tremble of nerves as you bring baby to your chest, but the calm washes over because at this moment, you know what to expect, how to handle any situation that arises and that you have the support & community you need. That’s the power of  Breastfeeding by Design: The Prenatal class.

Is this you?

You want to feel confident you’re making the best decisions for you and your baby so that you can have the breastfeeding experience you have always envisioned.

 -  You don’t want to feel overwhelmed when it comes to “knowing all the  

     things” when it comes to breastfeeding.

-  You want to feel prepared and confident knowing you can navigate anything

    that happens without doubting yourself.

-  You want to feel a strong connection with baby without feeling guilt or 

    resentment if it’s not going as expected.

-  You want an arsenal of “tools” and a safe place to ask questions and get 

    feedback as needed.

The problem is that while 

Breastfeeding is natural, that doesn’t mean it always comes easy.

Many new moms spend a lot of time preparing for birth itself, setting up the nursery and building a baby registry (so fun!). A lot of times preparing to breastfeed and creating a plan for postpartum falls to the wayside and is often something that is put off until after baby is born. 

But, breastfeeding doesn’t just begin after baby is born, it begins in pregnancy.

Yes, your labor and birth can affect breastfeeding which is why this course covers not just how to breastfeed, but the information you need to know to truly understand how milk production works, how to set expectations for yourself and those around you, and how to build strategies to help advocate for you and your baby. 

This course will empower you to trust yourself to make the best decisions for you and baby by giving you the tools and resources needed to feel supported every step of the way.

      The Breast Girl llc.

What clients are saying:

“My gratitude for Courtney during this time is immeasurable…

Reaching out to Courtney and consulting with her prenatally made a world of difference. My gratitude for Courtney during this time is immeasurable. The start of my journey was smooth despite the many questions that arose and I owe this foundational strength/ confidence to Courtney. Even now, a few years into this constantly changing feeding journey, I feel held just knowing that I can reach out to Courtney for her expertise, wisdom, grounding presence, and companionship. That's what you get when you reach out to The Breast Girl- everything that a new or seasoned parent needs on their feeding journey.”

- J.W.



Helping you to feel calm, confident and prepared to breastfeed.


Mini modules (all 10 minutes or less!). Listen at your own pace. Come and go as you please and listen when you can.


Course members will be invited to join The Breast Girl breastfeeding support community and join FREE monthly Q&As (Live with me!) 

Who is breastfeeding by design for?

-   First time moms with a desire to breastfeed. Maybe you feel overwhelmed about how to prepare. Maybe you have heard how hard breastfeeding can be, or you are the first one amongst your family and friends to breastfeed. We’ve got you covered!

-   A mom who has had children before but wants to have a different and more enjoyable, informed and special breastfeeding experience than before.

-   Moms interested in learning more about a simple and holistic approach to breastfeeding that supports her health and baby’s, beyond just the basics. 

The truth is:

With the right education, resources and support in place, you CAN navigate your breastfeeding journey feeling confident through any challenges or decisions that may arise.

“Courtney is an excellent presenter and I love that she uses personal examples balanced with research. Breastfeeding can be such a complicated topic and she makes it very accessible.”

-  M.K.

As a busy mom, time is precious.

This course is intentionally broken down into easily digestible, mini modules (all 10 minutes or less!) that you can listen to at your own pace so that you can maximize your time as you prepare for baby to come. You can come and go as you please and listen when you can.

The course efficiently covers all of the important information that you NEED to know about breastfeeding, without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

After taking this course you will be able to approach feeding your baby with calm confidence and mindfulness.

Breast Feeding By Design covers essential topics including:

* The power of breastfeeding & breast milk

* Breastfeeding basics

        • Anatomy and Physiology

        • How breast milk production works

        • Positioning and Latching

        • Hunger cues

                - How to know if baby is getting enough milk

        • Common concerns

                - Things to watch for

* How labor and birth affect breastfeeding

* Advocating for yourself and for your baby 

* Creating the support systems you need

* Mindfulness & self-care for breastfeeding (and the big impacts this can have)

* Managing expectations

* Breast health awareness

And there’s more!

When you purchase the course you will get exclusive access to:

My favorite evidence-based resources

Quick tips for pumping and bottle feeding

A really special Breastfeeding Visualization

Downloadable bonuses including:

    • Nipple care guide

    • Breastfeeding essentials (with exclusive course-only discounts!)

    • Breastfeeding affirmations

As an ADDED BONUS course members will be invited to join FREE monthly Q&As (Live with me!) and be a part of The Breast Girl breastfeeding support community. 

A few Key Course Takeaways:

    1) Breastfeeding By Design is not just about feeding the baby, it’s also about mom. 

    The course inherently dives into important questions that are often not talked about enough like: 

    • How does breastfeeding feel? 

    • Is what I am experiencing normal? 

    • How does labor and birth affect breastfeeding? 

    • Where can I find support? How do I get my partner and family on board? 

Together we create a holistic picture for both mom and baby. 

2) Community as a new mom is everything,

    Which is why breastfeeding By Design not only includes my expert insights as a 

Lactation Educator and Breast Health Advocate, intertwined with personal touches as a NICU mom of 3, but a community of moms who are in it with you through The Breast Girl breastfeeding support group.

3) Breastfeeding is also a time that many women start to become more aware of their breasts. 

In true Breast Girl fashion, breast health has been delicately woven throughout the course, and at the end we will do a quick check in to see where you are in your breast health journey, increase your breast self awareness and discuss breast health beyond breastfeeding.

How would it feel to 

Have the tools and awareness BEFORE baby comes, empowering you to feel calm and confident in navigating any challenges that may arise?

Hi, I’m Courtney, I’m a lactation expert and consultant. As a mom of 3, 

I wish I had more mindfulness around breastfeeding prior to my babies arriving. Reminders to recognize the moments to take a step back. Ground myself and shift the energy in their room, especially through any difficulties (because we all have them!). This is why I have incorporated so much of this into Breastfeeding by Design. 

Inside the course we uncover how to surround yourself in support and self care and ease any fears or anxiety around breastfeeding. We also walk through a really special breastfeeding visualization that you can listen to help you envision what breastfeeding is going to look and feel like. 

“Courtney was so informative and helpful in sharing tips on how to breastfeed. She was so encouraging and I appreciated her checking in on me to see how my journey was going. I highly recommend working with her!”



      The Breast Girl llc.